Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Post-It Plus

I came across a fun new App just before half term. Do you think App should be with a capital? I don't know. Feels appropriate though. I was so excited, and maybe also disorganised that I downloaded it a lesson and then worked out how to use it and then did. I mean, yes I am like totally dramatic. Maybe also a tiny bit bad at grammar. So....sue me.

This app is called Post-it Plus; tagline from the website is 'Moving great ideas forward, from start to finish.' Whatever that means. Basic premise though, and I literally have no idea how they did this is that you can get your class to write their ideas on a post-it note. Perhaps you are brainstorming a question, or discussing what has been covered and learnt in the class. You can then take a picture of this on your iPad and the App recognises the post-its and scans them in.

This App works with my Apple tv, so I can airplay my iPad. Obviously it would be very difficult to read what these say as they are tiny. You can then double tap on them and a gallery opens. So you are able to flick through what the class has written. I like doing this to consider ideas for answers and then we bin the less good ones and keep the ones we all agree on.

If what you have done in the lesson has been worthwhile and you'd like the children to have access to the information you can then share the page. I often upload it to a shared Google Drive folder.

So there we have it, Post-it Plus. A useful App to have in the classroom.

FYI I used a new App to anotate my iPad pictures. Need to work out how to unborder my text!

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